66 pages 2 hours read

Hannah Grace


Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2022

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Chapters 9-18Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 9 Summary: “Anastasia”

In a private moment in Nathan’s bedroom, Anastasia kisses him, and he embraces her, then drops to his knees. When he asks for permission, Anastasia jokes about giving him a map to her “G-spot,” but Nathan clarifies that he doesn’t joke about consent. Caught up in the moment, Anastasia consents, and then Nathan proceeds to pleasure her until she climaxes and calls out his name.

Afterward, Anastasia sprints out of Nathan’s room and avoids him for the rest of the week. Then one morning, Lola barges into Anastasia’s bedroom while she is with Ryan, bringing presents from the hockey team. Without asking permission, Lola starts a video call with Robbie. On the other end, Robbie, Nathan, Henry, and JJ are surprised to see Ryan in Anastasia’s bed. During the call, Anastasia and Lola open the presents: Maple Hills hockey jerseys with their names on the back. Ryan jokes about being in bed with two hockey stars, and Robbie tells him to shut up, referring to Lola as “my girl,” which Lola likes. Just as the call ends, Anastasia can hear Henry say, “I thought she was avoiding you, Nathan” (81).

Ryan and Lola are surprised by Henry’s comment and demand that Anastasia explain. Embarrassed, Anastasia tells them what happened at Robbie’s party, claiming it was an accident. After hearing the story, Ryan points out that she made the first move. He says that Nathan is a good guy and that Anastasia should sleep with him “for science” (83). Lola agrees.

Chapter 10 Summary: “Nathan”

Nathan decides to talk to Anastasia and clear the air about what happened at Robbie’s party. He guesses that Anastasia and Ryan are not exclusive because he has seen Ryan with Olivia, too. Meanwhile, his teammates keep texting him about Ryan and Anastasia, giving him a hard time. Nathan’s father also keeps calling him, but Nathan ignores the calls. Nathan arrives early to the ice rink and watches Anastasia skate. He is amazed by her grace until she falls hard after trying the quadruple lutz. After she is helped off the ice, Coach Brady announces that she is removing the jump from the routine. As Anastasia argues that she can still do the quad, blood drips down her face. Brady and Aaron both become concerned, and Nathan jumps in and says that he is trained in first aid.

Nathan carries Anastasia to the first aid room while she complains about being infantilized. She says that she is too heavy, but Nathan tells her to shut up, and she playfully elbows him in the ribs. Nathan then cleans her wound and compliments her skill at skating. He explains that he arrived early to hockey practice to check on her after their intimacy at the party, but before she can reply, Aaron walks in. Nathan learns that Anastasia, Lola, and Aaron live together.

Chapter 11 Summary: “Anastasia”

On the morning of regionals, Aaron is calm, but Anastasia is so nervous that she throws up. She has never done well in competitions, despite her talent, because her previous partner, James, was not a good skater. Lola misses their competition because she is attending the hockey team’s first home game of the season. She convinces Anastasia to go out with the team to celebrate that night. Aaron complains that Lola is dating a hockey player and tells Anastasia not to, becoming nasty so suddenly that it “feels like whiplash” (98). He justifies his actions by claiming that he cares about Anastasia’s happiness beyond skating. Aaron and Anastasia easily qualify for the next round of competition.

Later, as she and Lola get ready to meet the hockey team at the Honeypot, a popular nightclub in Los Angeles, Lola teases her about whether she will be having sex tonight, and Anastasia claims she will not be. At the Honeypot, Anastasia learns that Nathan called in favors to sneak Henry into the club underaged. Henry chats up girls, and as Anastasia watches Henry, Nathan tells her that she shouldn’t be there with a head injury. They flirt briefly, and Anastasia buzzes with excitement in his presence. But after Nathan tells her he is “amazed” by her, he walks away.

Chapter 12 Summary: “Nathan”

After the Titans hockey team wins their first game, everyone is in good spirits. At the Honeypot, the guys party hard while Nathan waits for Anastasia to come to him. He watches her dance and is mesmerized by her tight dress. Then Lola and Anastasia join Nathan and the rest of the team in a booth. Lola jumps into Robbie’s lap, and Anastasia sits on JJ’s lap. Nathan gets jealous and asks her to dance. She makes him ask her nicely.

On the dance floor, Nathan and Anastasia grind against each other’s bodies until they are both aroused. Nathan grabs the back of her neck, and they are about to kiss when Lola shows up and says it’s time to leave. They all pile into an Uber, and Anastasia sits on Nathan’s lap. Though they are in a crowded vehicle, they are both still aroused. Nathan tells her to lean into him so he can put the seatbelt on. Anastasia tells him that she is not wearing any panties.

Chapter 13 Summary: “Anastasia”

In the back of the Uber, Nathan and Anastasia grind their bodies together as quietly as possible. As Nathan runs his hands across her body, she whispers his name with desire. They kiss, and things start to escalate. The music gets louder, and Nathan asks her if she can be a “good girl” and be quiet (112). He pleasures her with his fingers while they talk dirty to each other in whispers. Anastasia climaxes, and suddenly the music turns off. Someone asks if anyone wants to stop for food on the way.

They stop for McDonald’s, and Anastasia worries that they made the car smell like sex. When they reach Nathan’s house, they slip away to Nathan’s bedroom. Anastasia tries entering the code to his room, but she is drunk and accidentally enters Ryan’s code instead. Nathan notices, and his mood changes. Anastasia explains that she and Ryan used to have a friends-with-benefits situation, but it ended when Ryan started dating Olivia. As they undress, Nathan admits that he is jealous because he wants her all to himself.

Nathan wants them to be exclusive, but Anastasia doesn’t. She tells him to stop overthinking it, and they continue to make out. Then Nathan stops, saying that he doesn’t want to be just a “drunken hookup” (117). He doesn’t want her to regret being with him again and avoid him for another week. The rejection shocks her, and she starts to cry because she thinks that he only wants her if she can offer more. She waits for him to fall asleep, then requests an Uber.

Chapter 14 Summary: “Nathan”

Nathan regrets rejecting Anastasia and recognizes that it was because he was feeling jealous. When he goes downstairs, Lola explains that she stopped Anastasia from getting an Uber and tells him that Anastasia slept in Henry’s room. Nathan knocks on Henry’s door, then impatiently enters using the code. He finds Anastasia drinking coffee on Henry’s bed, laughing while Henry sits on an air mattress. When Henry sees Nathan, he leaves them alone. Nathan apologizes to Anastasia for rejecting her, and they talk openly about their feelings. Nathan admits that he was jealous, and Anastasia admits that she has issues with rejection. She credits her therapist, Dr. Andrews, for her ability to admit it. She and Nathan agree to limit their interactions to casual sex.

In the weeks that follow, hockey practices run late, which cuts into Anastasia’s practice time. She is annoyed and behaves coldly toward Nathan after the night at the Honeypot. The next time hockey practice goes on too long, Anastasia skates out into the middle of the ice anyway to make a point. Nathan catches up to her and throws her over his shoulder. When she complains, he tells her to shut up, which makes her even angrier. He asks what her plans are that night, but she won’t tell him. He keeps asking after her plans, and finally Anastasia tells Nathan that if he finds her before midnight, she will give him oral sex.

Chapter 15 Summary: “Anastasia”

Anastasia plays a cruel joke on Nathan. While he runs all over Maple Hills looking for her, Anastasia conspires with JJ to throw a party at his own house. With ten minutes left until midnight, Nathan sends her a video call. Anastasia accepts the call while sitting in his bedroom. Nathan realizes where she is and says he is going to kill his roommates. Everyone at the party counts down to midnight as though it is New Year’s Eve. Someone pops a bottle of champagne. Nathan arrives 30 seconds too late, looking irritated. Anastasia is about to walk up to him, but Summer beats him to it. Nathan winks at Anastasia, then takes Summer up the stairs. JJ mentions that Nathan has been chasing Summer since freshman year, and Anastasia feels jealous.

After she sees Summer downstairs 10 minutes later, she marches up to Nathan’s room and demands to know what happened, surprised by how upset she sounds. Nathan accuses her of jealousy and explains that Summer just needed to use the bathroom, and he decided to wait for her in his room “to see how this no-jealousy thing” works (133). She admits that she is angry, which delights him, and then they start making out. Nathan is both rough and gentle during foreplay. Anastasia gives Nathan the oral sex she promised him, and they have intercourse for the first time. He promises to be gentle, but instead, she tells him to have sex with her “like [he] hate[s] [her]” (136).

Chapter 16 Summary: “Nathan”

Having realized that he is no longer interested in Summer, Nathan only has eyes for Anastasia. When Anastasia tells him to have sex with her “like you hate me” (138), Nathan tells her that he could never hate her. Instead, he says he is going to have sex with her as though her body belongs to him, and that she will “take it like a good girl” (138). The dirty talk continues as they have sex in multiple positions. Afterward, they rest in each other’s arms. Nathan sneaks into Henry’s room to grab some things from his necessities box, but he accidentally spooks the girl Henry is with. When he returns, he and Anastasia shower together and then fall asleep.

Chapter 17 Summary: “Anastasia”

The next morning, Anastasia and Nathan fool around again in the shower. Then Anastasia yells at him for giving her hickeys. As Nathan drops her off at work, they consult her planner and make plans to buy Halloween costumes together on Thursday. When Nathan picks her up from work later, he jokes about destroying her planner, and Anastasia explains that she started using it years ago as a therapy exercise; she worried that her adoptive parents wouldn’t love her if she failed at figure skating, and the planner helped her to deal with the pressure. When Nathan drops her off at home, they make out in the car for 20 minutes.

When Anastasia enters her apartment, Aaron immediately spots the hickeys and Lola drops a hint that makes him realize that she has been with Nathan. He accuses Anastasia of making bad choices and barely talks to her for the rest of the week. Anastasia spends a lot of the time studying with Henry, who observes her fear of abandonment and reassures her that Nathan would never abandon her. In his typically filter-free, honest fashion, he also says that he can hear her orgasm from his bedroom. Later, as she waits for her turn on the ice, Anastasia is aroused by how Nathan looks when shouting instructions to his team. Nathan sticks around and watches her practice, which goes terribly because Aaron makes mistakes while accusing her of being distracted by Nathan. After practice, Nathan suggests they go to his place, order takeout, and buy costumes online instead of at the mall.

Chapter 18 Summary: “Nathan”

When they reach Nathan’s house, Anastasia is still upset about Aaron’s behavior at practice. She and Nathan go inside, and Nathan ushers her into his bedroom. Nathan loves spending time with Anastasia sober. She clings to him as they talk about her skating career, and they eventually take a break from costume-shopping to think about what food to order. Ryan video-calls Anastasia, checking up on her after hearing about Aaron’s latest episode of bad behavior, and invites her to eat hot wings with him and Olivia. When Anastasia declines because of the calories, Ryan calls her on her food issues and asks who she is with. Anastasia turns the camera to Nathan, and Ryan is happy to see them together.

Nathan orders hot wings despite Anastasia’s qualms, and she lets herself relax and enjoy the meal. They eat with Nathan’s roommates, and Anastasia embarrasses them by moaning with each bite. Afterward, they return to Nathan’s bedroom, and Anastasia immediately drags him to her and kisses him. Things escalate quickly, and she dares Nathan to do something that will make her scream. He asks her to sit on his face.

Chapters 9-18 Analysis

These chapters reveal the perfectionistic reasons underpinning Anastasia’s fear of losing control when she confesses to Nathan that her fear of failure originates from her childhood belief that her adoptive parents’ love was dependent upon her success as a figure skater. Her resulting need to be a perfect skater—and to perfect the quadruple lutz and make the Olympic team—is tied up with her childhood impulse and the belief that she must also earn the love of her Found Family—her friends and roommates. By implication, Grace is providing a key explanation for Anastasia’s tolerance of Aaron’s toxic behavior; because she is willing to sacrifice everything to achieve perfection, she believes that Aaron is her best hope to succeed in her figure skating goals. For similar reasons, her confident exterior collapses when Nathan rejects her on the night of the Honeypot. Because she suddenly feels like Nathan is asking her for something she cannot deliver, the incident triggers her fear of failing to meet others’ expectations. To mitigate these internal issues, the planner emerges as a therapy tool and a psychological “safety blanket” that provides her with a way to manage her feelings when she becomes overwhelmed by the pressures she puts upon herself. While Grace’s inclusion of therapy as a source of significant character development is more informed and realistic than most romance novels, neuroses like these are also typical of the chick-lit genre, which tends to feature women with active dating lives who struggle to recognize their potential “Mr. Right” because they are too self-critical.

Despite the protagonists’ many verbal skirmishes, Nathan embodies the novel’s ongoing theme of The Importance of Honest Communication when he listens to her communicate her feelings and then reciprocates in kind. For example, when she explains why being called dramatic hurt her feelings, he apologizes, and when she shares her fear of rejection, he confesses his feelings of jealousy. As their relationship develops, Nathan considers Anastasia’s ability to communicate her feelings to be one of the things he likes about her This dynamic is a notable departure from the common structure of the typical romance novel, because many such stories rely heavily upon the overused trope of miscommunication to generate conflict and drive the plot forward.

In a sharp contrast with the dominant and often toxic masculinity demonstrated by lead characters of the genre, Nathan is unfailingly gentle in his multiple social roles, not just in his romantic moments. He takes good care of his teammates and makes accommodations for everyone around him, and he wants to be exclusive with Anastasia because when he likes someone and considers them more than just a casual fling, he is fully committed to that person alone. However, he does display a different side entirely in certain situations. He has been known to sleep with multiple partners in the past, even initiating encounters with women he does not particularly like. In bed, after being clear about consent and safety, he becomes a dominating, controlling lover who talks dirty and bosses Anastasia around. He even becomes jealous and possessive, but only within the confines of sexual play. Thus, his role in the novel as Anastasia’s ideal man is based upon his ability to maintain his gentle side beyond the bedroom while still fulfilling Anastasia’s control-based fantasies in bed.

As their relationship develops, the enemies-to-lovers dynamic between the two protagonists settles into playful banter; Anastasia continues to tell Nathan that she hates him, and Nathan continues to call Anastasia bossy and mean, but each understands that the other is only joking. As she becomes more comfortable with Nathan, their relationship starts to adhere to more conventional Gender-Based Power Dynamics; Nathan pursues her, and she lets him catch her. He carries her to safety when she falls on the ice during practice, and he begins to playfully tell her to shut up when she playacts as a brat. The dynamic in the bedroom changes as well. At first, their interactions are dominated by competition as she dares him to take certain actions and they argue together over who is the one who must “ask nicely.” Over time, however, Nathan begins taking control in the bedroom, calling her a “good girl” and encouraging her to perform for him. As times goes on, they engage in affirmation play, otherwise known as “praise kink.” Their sexual relationship soon mirrors and exaggerates their social relationship, a pattern that is typical for romance novels, especially ones that deal with dominance and submission; in these types of stories, sex scenes eroticize the power dynamics between the two characters, and Icebreaker is no exception in this regard.

Nathan’s dominant bedroom behavior is at its most extreme when he insists that Anastasia’s body belongs to him. Jealousy (or possession) is one of the most persistent themes in Icebreaker, and it manifests in many different forms—some more damaging than others. A prime example occurs whenever Aaron punishes Anastasia for her friendships with other men by behaving abusively toward her. As this behavior pattern becomes more and more prominent, Grace makes it abundantly clear that Aaron wants to isolate her and keep her for himself: classic patterns of an emotionally abusive person. In a sharp contrast to this dynamic, Ryan is portrayed as Anastasia’s perfect sex partner because neither one of them is ever jealous of the other, and because of their open relationship, she becomes uncomfortable when Nathan feels jealousy toward Ryan. When Nathan proves to Anastasia that she is jealous of Summer, however, it is presented as a positive attribute, just as Anastasia becomes aroused when Nathan claims ownership over parts of Anastasia’s body. Romance novels often deal with the dangers that men pose to women by transforming that danger into sexual excitement. This is why, in the world of the novel, Anastasia can feel threatened by Aaron and excited by Nathan despite both acting similarly possessive of her. Although Grace does not dwell on the incongruity of this contradiction, the novel juxtaposes these two dynamics in an attempt to demonstrate that sex can be a realm in which women gain control over these societal dangers by transforming them into sources of pleasure.

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